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Kids Craft Time: Parts of a Flower

MTE Staff

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Learning about the parts of a flower is a great way to get your kids interested in nature, I mean who doesn't love flowers? Roots are the part of the plant that are normally found under the soil. Their main function is to keep the plant in the soil by acting as an anchor. Roots also take in water and nutrients to help the plant grow. The stem of the plant provides support for the leaves and takes water and minerals to the leaves. The stem also takes food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant. The leaves of a plant are very important for making food for the plant through a process called photosynthesis. The leaves absorb light energy and along with carbon dioxide and water, change it into food. The leaves also pass oxygen into the air through pores in their surface. Flowers are where pollination happens so that fruit and seed grows and new plants can be produced. Petals are usually the colorful part of the flower which attract insects to visit and pollinate it. The Pistil is the collective term for the reproductive section of a flower. It can easily be seen as the center stem inside of the flower head. The tip of the pistil is where pollen is transferred. 

Focused Vocabulary

  • Petals

  • Leaves

  • Stem

  • Roots

  • Pistil (Reproductive part of flower)


  • Gluestick 

  • Glue

  • Colored Paper

  •  1 Popsicle Stick

  • Markers

  • String 

  • Tape

  • Scissors

  • 1 Bottle cap 

  • Q-tips (pistil) 

Pre Activity Questions:   

  • What parts of a flower can you name?

  • What kind of wildflowers do you know that grow in Summit County?

  • Do you know how flowers reproduce? 


  1. Start by picking a colored background paper to create your craft

  2. Next glue a bottle cap near the top of the page to start the center of your flower

  3. Cut out your petals from another colored paper to glue around the bottle cap 

  4. Next color your stem (popsicle stick) and glue below your flower

  5. Cut out leave(s) to add to grow from your stem

  6. Cut a few pieces of yarn to glue to the bottom of your stem for roots

  7. Decorate with markers or any accessories you find in the craft corner

  8. ****option to draw in dirt, sun etc. 

Post Activity Questions: 

  • How are flowers different from you?

  • How are they the same?

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