Are you looking for a fun craft idea for you and your kids? Well you’re in the right place! At the Mountain Top Explorium we love incorporating crafts into our daily activities and this is one of our favorites! Making a wine cork penguin can be fun for all ages, and takes minimal prep. As an added bonus this craft pairs great with the book "How Big is a Million?" Here is what you need!

Wine Cork
Black Paper
Orange Paper
Cotton Balls
Googly Eyes
Step 1: Add your head
Glue one full cotton ball to one flat side of the cork. Make sure you don’t use too much glue!
Step 2: Add your tummy
Split a cotton ball in half. Glue your half onto the side of your cork you want to be the front of your penguin. If there are any markings on your cork this can be a good way to cover them up!
Step 3: Add your wings
Cut out two wings from the black paper. Glue them on either side of the puff ball glued on in Step 2
Step 4: Make your face
Cut out a small triangle from your orange paper and glue it onto the front of the puffball you added in step 1. Next glue on two googly eyes above the orange triangle.
Step 5: Add your feet
Cut out two feet from your orange paper and glue them to the bottom. Make sure they are facing forwards.
Step 6: Let dry
We want to see your final creations! Post them to Facebook or Instagram and tag @mountaintopbreck