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Free Admission for Child Therapy Sessions

MTE Staff

Supporting child development at the earliest stages of life is crucial when brain development is most rapid. During the first five years, a child’s brain forms neural connections at a tremendous rate, making it a profound time to nurture positive physical, speech, and behavioral development.

In an effort to better support families and child development, we are offering free access from October 1st to December 20th to the Explorium Children's Museum in Breckenridge for any therapist conducting child focused therapy sessions. This program is available to therapists working with families through Colorado’s Early Intervention Program, as well as private speech, physical, occupational, and behavioral therapists. 

Mountain Top Explorium is home to hands-on exhibits and manipulatives that provide the perfect environment for children to explore, play, and work toward their developmental goals. 

How It Works  

From October 1st to December 20th, child therapists are invited to hold their therapy sessions at Mountain Top Explorium at no charge. 

  • Fill out the registration form below to participate. 

  • Upon arrival, therapists will complete a brief check-in for their visiting families

  • Our only rules are that you remove your shoes and clean-up after yourself

  • After a quick sign-in you’ll be able to use the space for your session

Other Information

  • Socks are not required, we’ve found they often create a more comfortable experience in the museum’s play spaces.

  • We also understand that shoes can support stabilization for toddlers allowing them to practice walking. Toddlers are welcome to wear shoes but we ask that they are free of dirt, mud, or snow.

  • Siblings and caregivers are also welcome to join families during therapy sessions, making this a holistic experience for all.

  • Locating the Explorium Children’s Museum can sometimes be tricky. Google Maps works much better than Apple Maps and you can find complete directions on the Contact Us section of our website. 

Please call or email with any questions. (970) 453-7878 

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